Your Papers Please

27 November 2009 by Dennis Sanders 

Your Papers, Please: A Call for Moderate Republicanism

The Republican Party, once a beacon of conservative values and moderate policies, has shifted towards a more extreme conservative stance over the last decade. This blog explores the implications of this shift, advocating for a return to the Party's core principles.

Key Takeaways

  • The Republican Party has become increasingly conservative, deviating from its traditional values.
  • This shift is believed to be a factor in recent electoral losses.
  • There is a growing movement to define what it means to be a Republican.
  • Advocates for moderation argue for focusing on core policies like smaller government and free market capitalism.
  • Social issues like abortion and gay marriage are seen as areas for potential compromise.
  • Engagement with the party's direction is encouraged, including writing articles and discussions.

The Shift in Republican Ideology

Over the past decade, the Republican Party has undergone a transformation. This shift towards a more extreme conservative ideology is alarming to some members, who view it as a departure from the Party's roots.

The Current State of Affairs

A moderate Republican perspective suggests that the Party's move to a more ideologically pure direction is counterproductive. Comparisons to fringe parties and the political systems of other countries like Canada or Mexico highlight the uniqueness of this shift in American politics.

The Core Republican Values

Smaller government, free market capitalism, lower taxes, and defending Constitutional rights are cited as the backbone of the Republican Party. These issues are seen as non-negotiable, forming the foundation of Republican ideology.

Addressing Social Issues

There's a call for compromise on social issues like abortion and gay marriage. The belief is that the Party can maintain its identity while being flexible on these topics, attracting a broader base.

Electoral Implications

The blog post argues that the Party's shift is not just a philosophical issue but has real electoral consequences.

Analyzing Past Elections

The losses in recent elections are attributed to a variety of factors, including the Party's ideological shift. The 2008 campaign is dissected, pointing out that factors like campaign strategy and public sentiment played a significant role, beyond just ideology.

Engaging with the Party's Direction

Readers are encouraged to participate in shaping the Party's future.

Writing and Discussion

There's an open invitation to write articles and engage in discussions about the Party's direction, especially regarding the issues outlined on the "Where We Stand" page.

Tables: Facts and Figures

Throughout the article, tables are included, presenting facts and figures related to electoral results, policy impacts, and public opinion surveys.


The Republican Party stands at a crossroads, where the choice of embracing a more moderate approach or continuing down the path of extreme conservatism will significantly impact its future success. This blog post advocates for a return to the Party's foundational values, arguing that this is the key to winning elections and maintaining a strong, unified Republican identity.